What a crock! Or is that crook?

What a crock! Or is that crook?
Where's all of the, "Democrats For Riley" signs hiding out? No one's seen any of those!

The Story of Nancy "Turn-Coat" Riley (Democrat).

Nancy ran as a conservative Republican, got to Oklahoma City, and governed as a liberal Democrat.

Driving through her district (37 - Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Glenpool, Bixby, South Tulsa, Broken Arrow), you will see signs that read, "Republicans For Riley". These are obviously intended to confuse and deceive her constituents. Someone who would purposely do that should not be an elected representative of, "We, the people...".

She does not state that her party is now the Democrat Party in her TV commercials or throughout her brochures.

The Oklahoma Democrat Party has been a willing accomplice throughout the period of this behavior; she has raised a very substantial war-chest of campaign funds, after her antics gave full control of the State Senate to the Democrats. Perhaps, after 100 years, it's time for Oklahomans to, finally, let the Republican Party have their 1st chance ever to see if they can do a better job for the good people of the great state of Oklahoma.

The word is hitting the streets about these deceptive practices and Oklahomans are NOT going to put up with this type of activity. A candidate of either party should be forth-coming to their constituents when they've changed political party affiliation; especially, when they make the switch after they've been elected.

Her opponent, Dan Newberry, has been running a clean campaign, having living-room discussions with literally thousands of his neighbors. He wants to represent all of his district's citizens in an open and honest manner. He wants to personally hear, and give deep consideration to, the concerns, thoughts, and ideas of his constituents.

At the time of this writing, Dan Newberry has never even met the citizenry that is putting forth this blog, but he will enjoy the support of this blog, because we need more HONEST elected representatives in government.

KEY VOTES of Nancy Turn-Coat Riley (Democrat)

Oklahoma State Senate District 37
Key Votes -- 2007-2008

KEY VOTES - Nancy Riley

Flip-flopped on lawsuit reform (2007): In 2007 the State Senate passed a comprehensive lawsuit reform bill for the first time ever, sending SB 507 to the governor. Senator Paddack was the ONLY Democrat to support lawsuit reform. NR voted no, despite her previous support for SB 1657 in 2006, which was virtually identical to the 2007 reform bill.

For minimum wage increase (2007): NR voted to increase Oklahoma’s minimum wage by 41% independently of the federal minimum wage (Sen. Leftwich’s amendment to SB 694). This would have devastated Oklahoma’s small businesses.

Against property tax relief (2008): NR voted against SJR 59, a bill to SLOW THE GROWTH of property taxes in Oklahoma.

For expensive insurance mandates I (2008): NR supported SB 2114 by Sen. Wilson which would have mandated insurance companies to increase premiums to pay for ANY procedure that a “medical professional” declared to be “medically necessary.” (So if your psychiatrist said you are a man trapped in a woman’s body, and your mental health depended on changing your sex, your insurance company would have to pay for a sex change operation. The bill was opposed by Oklahomans for Life because it would also have required insurance companies to pay for abortions.) This bill would have sent insurance costs through the roof!

For expensive insurance mandates II (2008): NR voted to mandate insurance coverage for expensive autism treatments (“Nick’s law”) and clinical trials for cancer patients (“Stephanie’s law”). These mandates also would have increased insurance premiums.

Against accountability and innovation in government (2008): NR was one of only 15 senators to oppose SB 1865, which would have created the legislative Office of Accountability and Innovation. This office, which was modeled after the U.S. Congress’s Government Accountability Office, would have conducted performance reviews of state agencies, reviewed the effectiveness of state tax policy, recommended reforms to make government more efficient and innovative, and weeded out corruption in government. (Reference: Jeff McMahan, Auditor and Inspector, as casepoint #1).

Flip-flopped on life (2007): In her first session as a Democrat, NR flip-flopped on the pro-life issue. She was one of only 16 senators to vote against SB 714, which would have prohibited state facilities or funds from being used for most abortions. She also voted twice to uphold Henry’s veto of this bill. (Note: A subsequent version of this legislation – SB 139 – became law without Henry’s signature. NR voted for that bill.)

For kindergarten for three-year-olds (2007): In the Senate Appropriations Committee, NR voted to create a controversial, state-funded kindergarten program for three-year-olds (SB 518). The bill was defeated on a party-line tie vote.

Against better educational opportunities for our children (2007-08):
• Against Charters Schools I: NR voted against allowing universities to set up public charter schools in Oklahoma and Tulsa counties (HB 1589 in 2007)
• Against Charter Schools II: NR voted against allowing Native American tribes to set up public charter schools in Oklahoma and Tulsa counties (SB 1669 in 2008)
• Against school deregulation: NR voted against SB 2100, Third Reading, in 2008 that would have created a pilot program to reduce red tape for 10 school districts in an effort to improve student achievement
• NR voted to cut off consideration of Sen. Williamson’s Religious Views Freedom in Schools amendment to HB 2633. (The motion to advance failed, and NR subsequently voted for the amendment, which allows students to express their religious views in school work.)

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